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Idss Global

IDSS Global is a Registered company under Indian Government act with Reg No: PIMPARI/II/21002. This is an engineering company with offices in the Pune and associates located in other key locations. We have working experience in most of US, UK, Europe and Australian provinces. IDSS Global is one of India’s leading Engineering outsourcing services provider – over the last few years, we have developed with a number of global firms to setup remote studios (back office) for our clients and thereby mastered the art of Engineering services and its management. Our goals are to provide quality and innovation at attractive and creative costs thus enabling the customers with the “Best of Breed” solution which yield the highest “Return on Investment.” IDSS partners with their customers and technology vendors re-shaping and streamlining the customers systems, data, and processes.Client Name : Mr. Sachin PatilTotal Views : 3076
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